Curator > Video: Recycled

"Video: Recycled" Feb. 5 - Feb. 28, 2011 at D-Block Projects


“Video: Recycled” is an exhibition of contemporary video work from artists who find ways to recycle video, film, and printed material that was presumably made for a different intention. The artists in the exhibition appropriate moving images, recontextualize content, re-examine the aesthetics of video, and address different methods of presentation.

Long Beach, California has a long history of video art, highlighted by the Long Beach Museum of Art that formerly housed one of the largest video art collections in the world. Historically, FAR (Foundation for Art Resources) often collaborated with the museum to contribute to the presentation and creation of video art in Long Beach. FAR would support video art programs such as the “Video Night Series” and other video and film based events. The exhibition “Video: Recycled” continues FAR’s tradition of presenting contemporary and experimental video art.

Participating Artists:

Sara Ching-Yu Sun
Ben Coonley
Bill Domonkos
Bryan Konesky
Ryan Lamb
Elizabeth Leister
Kelly Sears
Angie Waller
Animal Charm

Curated by Jeff Chabot

Image: Kelly Sears "The Body Besieged"